Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Vacation

School is out (or at least almost) and you know what that means... summer vacation time! What are your travel plans this year? Any new destinations you will be visiting or is it a yearly tradition to go to the same place?

  San Francisco Cable Car by dolangeiman

If you've got travel or vacation related art links to share, please do so in the comments section! 


  1. Thanks so much! We're delighted to be part of Fine Art Friday via Twitter each week.

  2. thank you Jessica ^_^ we'll be doing demonstrations of how these etchings are made at art markets during the vacation period

  3. Great post! Love the art you have included ;-)

    Summer vacation also means fairs and carnivals, right?!! Here is one of my paintings from my Carnival Series....more will be posted in my Etsy shop this week:

  4. Interesting pictures. Coincidentally, I have just posted my new painting, of a beach on the island of Tiree, one of the Scottish western isles.
