Thursday, June 30, 2011


Geometry is an inherent part of all artists' work, whether readily apparent or not. This week's Fine Art Friday collection is inspired by artists that make geometry front and center as their subject. 

Share your own geometrical (or geometry inspired) artwork in the comments section!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Celebrating The Figure

This week we will be celebrating figurative Fine Art. With such a long tradition in the history of art, it's amazing to discover contemporary artists finding new ways to represent the human form.

If you have figurative art you'd like to share, please do in the comment section.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

All the Colors of the Rainbow

Every season has a color palette. The earthy tones of Autumn, the muted whites and pale blues of winter, the cheery pastels of Spring, and the full-on, technicolor vibrancy of Summer. This week's blog post is celebrating the audacity of color in art and artists unafraid to go for broke.

If you aren't afraid of color in your art, let's see it in the comments section! Post a link to your site or a particular piece that shines with all of the colors of the rainbow.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Vacation

School is out (or at least almost) and you know what that means... summer vacation time! What are your travel plans this year? Any new destinations you will be visiting or is it a yearly tradition to go to the same place?

  San Francisco Cable Car by dolangeiman

If you've got travel or vacation related art links to share, please do so in the comments section! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Walk with Wildlife

Hiking, camping and summer activities outdoors always include a few sightings of the area's wildlife. What outdoor adventures do you have planned for this summer and what creatures do you expect to see on your travels?

Artists are encouraged to post their relative art links in the comments section - if you've got artwork inspired by wildlife, we want to see it!